Planet Zar: Nexus


Inhabitants: Various Races
Other: sddsdss
Other: dsfdsfdss

A historical fantasy world based loosely around D&D, with a similar plethora of races and creatures.

Each god has infinite powers related to their affinity while they reside in their own temple. Outside the temple, gods remain magical and immortal, but are stripped of their divinity and have vastly reduced powers. The exception is when the moons are aligned on a gods temple, meaning the month is "theirs" and their powers remain if they leave their temple.

+ Aware of and involved with the Nexus. Use teleportation magic in order to reach other parts of the Nexus, but are also familiar/in contact with Murdon and therefore have access to futuristic technology, although it's rarely used on Lomeelas itself.

+ Rather than using technology, Lomeelas is magically adept. Most residents know at least some fundamental, functional magic. Almost all healing is performed via magic.

+ The class system is largely magic based, with those of no/little magical talent on the bottom rung.

+ Magic comes from the gods... or is given to the gods. This is uncertain, but the gods and the planet rely on one another for magical imbuement. Many Lomeelians find their magic weakened when they leave their home planet.

+ Being part of (and known to) the Nexus, Lomeelas is no stranger to a hodge-podge of races and species. Dragons are no longer a rare sight, largely because of Cassimir, the God of Destruction.

+ Lomeelas is a theocracy. There are no kings or emperors, the countries are ruled by their deity. Cassimir has extended his reach to take over the entirety of Lomeelas.

+ OOC, Lomeelas is my "free for all" medieval-fantasy playground without too serious worldbuilding or strict setting requirements

+ Lomeelas was unaware of the existence of dragons before Zhicius (and Cassimir) were searched for the Twisted Fate. While murdon are aware of Lomeelas, they largely do not interfere. Although, several of the races present on the planet are from space-faring individuals settling there.

Current Catastrophe

Cassimir, the god of destruction, has been imbued with ambition and wishes to become the only deity of Lomeelas.


Lomeelas is a small planet, significantly smaller in size than earth but sharing a similar mass/gravity. It is split into 4 major continents, which in turn are split into 12 countries ruled by Lomeelas' deities. Each continent possesses three temples, and therefore is home to three gods.


Conflict is the second largest continent in Lomeelas, and is home to Cassimir, Direkes, and Sumurra's temples. Might makes right here, and the inhabitants of Conflict are bound to fight for their gods and their freedoms. Largely temperament with moderate cold and hot seasons, Conflict is a rich and fertile land that sustains a great population and plentiful resources for its inhabitants. In recent times, Conflict has fallen into despair: Cassimir, god of destruction, has torn down the other temples and ravaged both land and people. Direkes (god of war) has fled, while Sumurra (god of death) remains and watches the decimation of their once beautiful home.


The smallest continent, stretched across the vast ocean between east and west. Vacillate is home to Alaram, Oriph, and Puaba's temples. It is often a way-point for travelers making the journey from Conflict to Opine. Those who inhabit Vacillate are used to change and disorder in their lives. The seasons here are brutal, with a temperate coastline but frigid central taiga and mountain ranges. The growing season fluctuates yearling and storms wreak havoc across the nations. Transmogrification magic is particularly strong here and those seeking new lives and great change find Vacillate facilitates this well.


Warm and rich in biodiversity, Extant is largely one continuous rainforest veined with a thousand rivers and lakes. It's home to the temples of Halae, Nezzaru, and Vaakar. Always warm and humid, Extant is a peaceful reprieve for those who want to avoid the harsher aspects of nature, but it's not without its own dangers. While resources are easy and plentiful, the residents here are often assaulted by plague and pestilence. An excellent place to study medicine and Lomeelas' natural resources.


The largest, most populous continent, Opine boasts the greatest diversity in biomes, and actually consists of two large landmasses. The smaller island is home to the temple of The High Goddess, while the mainland contains temples to Tyris and Zaifeth. Opine is considered the most industrial and successful of the continents, containing many great nations of thinkers and inventors. Lomeelas' greatest libraries and collections of history and ideas are located in Opine.


Lomeelas is home to a plethora of races, many formed naturally on the planet itself, and others the settled travelers of distant stars. There is no 'dominant species' and discrimination based on species is rare. Instead, people are separated into various categories and often treated accordingly. The majority of races on Lomeelas are bipedal and humanoid, able to create and utilize tools with dexterous hands. These include humans, elves, orcs, dwarves, halflings, goblin folk, trolls, and various anthromorphic animals.

There are also sapient beasts, which are typically classified as monsters and tend to be more poorly treated by bipeds. Many of these bestial species are also solitary, and therefore lack complex cultures and societies. This includes races such as sphynxes, manticores, mimics, gryphons, and others. It's commonplace for adventurers' guilds to make sport of the hunt and slaughter of these beings.

Dragons have only recently come to Lomeelas in the form of bonds from outside worlds.

Deities can be considered a race of their own, but their numbers are vastly limited. There are 12 major deities that affect Lomeelas, including The High Goddess. Below them are a series of minor gods with weakened powers and aspects. Many of these minor gods are only rarely worshiped and often by small contingencies of people. It's not uncommon for towns and villages to form around a minor god's shrine

Races of Note


Sapient bipedal goblinoids that adapt easily to new environments. They form strong family bonds and have a visceral aversion to metals such as iron as well as electricity, making them prone to avoid high forms of technology.

Macael are covered in a thin layer of hair, with thicker feathers at the forelimbs and ankles. Their long legs end in cloven hooves. They sport long, tufted tails and expressive pointed ears.

Macael range in color from pure, brilliant white, to deep black and mossy green depending on their native terrain.

Macael are small for humanoids, typically ranging between 4' and 5'6" in height, with tails of a similar length.

Lions of Ori

A race of lion-shifters that reside in the savannas of central Opine.

The Lions of Ori utilize a type of spiritual magic and animism that's separate from Lomeelas' deities. They are a highly superstitious people who rely on the stars to determine their fates.

All Lions of Ori possess a humanoid form and a leonine form. In human form, Lions of Ori have slightly pointed ears, sharp canine teeth, and pointed nails. They are larger and bulkier than humans and possess a great deal of strength and agility.


Magic is well known and wide spread through Lomeelas. Most people have some magical talent and spells are easy to come by. Magical items are plentiful and there are dozens of schools dedicated to teaching magic and discovering more of its uses.

Magic comes from Lomeelas itself, the pulsing life-blood of the planet. While its applications are nearly limitless, it takes both physical and mental energy to perform. Furthermore, Lomeelian magic users lose a great deal of their abilities when they leave the planet. Only the gods are exempt from this, but even they are weakened the further they travel from Lomeelas.


There are 12 major deities on Lomeelas, who each reside in a temple that rests on the "node" of their magic. Each god has access to near infinite power surrounding their aspect while they reside in their temples. Outside the temple, their powers are weakened, but they remain immortal and divine.

Each month, Lomeelas' moon aligns with the planet and sets its sights on a different temple. When this occurs, the god of that temple retains their powers regardless of their location. This is considered that god's "month", wherein they have free reign across Lomeelas to do as they see fit, as long as they do not encroach upon another god's temple. It is forbidden to enter the temple of another god, though largely for social reasons.

Each god has a high priest (or priestess) that serves directly beneath them, as an emissary for mortals when it's not their god's month, and to perform all tasks the god cannot outside their month. High Priests are granted access to all places and should be treated with honor wherever they travel. It is a poor idea to strike out against a high priest, for fear of facing retribution from their god.

Minor gods are common around Lomeelas. They are immortal and have unique powers and abilities granted to them by their aspect, which they are able to gift to those that worship them for short periods of time. Minor gods' powers are limited to the area around their shrines - altars erected by their followers.

The High Goddess

Aspect: Life - Balance - Creation - Cosmos

An ever-changing and incomprehensible form, the High Goddess is difficult to look at. Most cast their eyes away from her. What is known is her sheer size, she towers mountainously over a hundred feet tall and emits a soft white light wherever she goes. Her tread is gentle, despite her mass, bending not a single blade of grass as she walks.

The High Goddess resides on the continent Opine, within the island of divinity. She rarely leaves her home, even when the moon dictates her month of power.

Her symbol is a simple circle of white light, plain and unobtrusive.

The High Goddess does not speak vocally, the ideas and emotions she communicates to others aren't done so in words. She merely directs a fully formed thought or image into another's mind.


Aspect: Water - Weather - Atmosphere - Travel

Alaram takes the form of a merrow - an amphibious sea creature capable of living underwater or on land. He has minor shapeshifting abilities that allow them to take on a fish-like tail or bipedal legs, as needed.

Alaram's temple is on the shores of Vacillate, where he can travel between the land and sea. During his month, Alaram travels across Lomeelas, rarely staying in one place for long.

His symbol is a fish lain across a compass.


Aspect: Destruction - Annihilation

Cassimir takes the form of an unobtrusive human, able to seamlessly blend with mortals. He - and indeed all of his highest ranking followers - adorn themselves in fantastically spiked and horrific armor.

Cassimir's temple is on Conflict, but he has expanded his reach by destroying Direkes' and Suumara's temples and erecting his own in their place.

His symbol is a red rose with thick, curling thorns.


Aspect: War - Honor

Direkes appears as a massive grey-green skinned orc, towering over most humanoids. He is broad and appears ambiguously middle-aged.

Direkes' temple was once on Conflict but has since been destroyed. He know resides in limbo, powers depleted and army decimated.

His symbol is a broadsword clutched in the talons of a raven.


Aspect: Nature - Flora/Fauna - Birth - Aging

Halae appears as a centaur, with the hindquarters of a spotted deer and a humanoid torso. Flowers and lichen grip their clothes and they are constantly surrounded by animals wherever they go. Creatures find their presence calming and approachable.

Halae's temple is in Extant, deep in the central areas of the continent. It appears not-so-much like a building as it does a natural (if strange) cathedral of trees.

Halae's symbol is a seed and wilting flower.


Aspect: Disease - Decay

Nezzaru is a firbolg of considerable height, but lacking in muscle or fat. They appear almost emaciated, skin sallow and stretched taut over their skull. A pestilential cloud of black flies accompanies them constantly, which Nezzaru can use to send messages outside their temple.

Nezzaru's temple is in Extant, located deep underground.

Nezzaru's symbol is a stylized black fly.


Aspect: Chaos - Metamorphosis - Change

Oriph is a shapeshifter - changing form and gender at their whim. They rarely remain in the same form for long and do not often revisit previously used shapes. Oriph often wears elaborate clothes consisting of reams of silky fabric that also disguises their shape.

Oriph's temple is in Vacillate, its brick and mortar made of magical material that shifts and changes constantly. Oriph often leaves their temple even outside of their assigned month.

Oriph has no symbol and wants no symbol. Their followers sometimes adapt a butterfly or moth motif to recognize one another, which Oriph considers acceptable but not official.


Aspect: Wishes - Crossroads - Choices

Puaba is a female tabaxi who wears the form of a melanistic leopard, whose hide is covered in glowing white arrows.

Puaba's temple is high upon the mountain range of Vacillate, difficult for many to traverse but often worth the effort, as Puaba freely gives boons.

Puaba's symbol is a spinning white arrow.


Aspect: Death - Silence - Pity

Sumuura takes the form of a female naga, her scales iridescent black and criss-crossed with the white pockmarks of death.

Sumuura's temple was once on Conflict but has since been destroyed by Cassimir. She wanders conflict alone and has become difficult to search out. Her life is now one of silent observation.

Sumuura's symbol is a viper's skull.


Aspect: Logic - Memory - Mathematics

Tyris takes the form of an elf man, with deep russet skin and long black hair. He traditionally wears robes of deep blue and is never seen without a book or two in hand.

Tyris' temple is on Opine's mainland, within the capital city of Thought. Its architecture is grand and modern and beside it is a massive library build from marble. This library often serves as a meeting place for all the gods, when needs for a full council arise.

Tyris' symbol is a book presenting the phases of the moon.


Aspect: Peace - Music - Merrymaking

Vaakar is a shaggy, red minotaur, with four sets of gleaming golden horns. They often sport an assortment of flowers braided into their shaggy hide.

Vaakar's temple is in Extant, near the southern coast. It is built simply from hilly mounds and surrounded by flocks of livestock.

Vaakar's symbol is a lyre made from bull's horns.


Aspect: Strength - Courage - Passion

Zaifeth is a hobgoblin woman, her long black hair kept in elaborate and meticulous styles. She is as likely to wear armor as she is formal dresses, and makes no attempt to disguise her emotions. She is free with the truth and her heart.

Zaifeth's temple is in Opine's mainland, in the colder southern region. It, too, resides in a rich, successful city.

Zaifeth's symbol is a bleeding heart.